Euthanasia Aftermath

Euthanasia Aftermath

I often stay late to catch up on admin stuff during the quiet of the evening, but today the walls of my clinic echo with the heavy silence of loss. It’s a silence that reverberates through every corner, a stark reminder of the emptiness left behind by...


Eight years ago, I walked in with Ranger for the last time. One of my favorite things is the feeling of walking into Guardian Animal Medical Center in the morning. I park far away from to door to allow clients to park closer. I walk past as the sun is just coming up...
Covid at 18 Months

Covid at 18 Months

When I was in the Coast Guard we had a mimeographed cartoon that would periodically circulate through the wardroom. It basically said we have been doing so much with so little for so long that we are now capable of doing the impossible. I feel that now. We are 18...
Pet Festival

Pet Festival

“Having a party, dancing on the ceiling” was playing on the radio the other morning and it is still running through my head as I try to write. Having a Festival (apologies to Sam Cooke) We’re havin’ a festival Celebratin’ the wildlife. Rehabbed by Guardian...


“Where did you go on vacation last week? I tried to get in and you were out.” “Vacation? I haven’t been on vacation in about 18 months. Oh, last week I attended a conference to get my continuing education.” Actually, most conferences are a lot of work. While I have...
World Rabies Day Award!

World Rabies Day Award!

We won!! “Did you see The Big Fix won the World Rabies Day Award?” I hadn’t seen it. I had meant to check. I knew the award was being announced on Nov 3rd or One Health Day, but I had worked, then ran to The Greenup Holiday Market before it closed at two. So, Barb’s...