Another thing to consider is that Merial (makers of Frontline and Heartgard Plus) will only sell to veterinarians. Many other manufacturers also have this policy. What that means to you (if meds were purchased elsewhere) is that these meds were not purchased directly from Merial, so you don’t really know how it has been handled and stored in the meantime. It also means the company/person you are buying them from is selling black market, grey market or counterfeit products.
HEARTGARD Plus comes with the Plus Guarantee* of Satisfaction! Your satisfaction with HEARTGARD Plus is guaranteed when used as directed by your veterinarian. HEARTGARD Plus is highly effective against heartworms and 3 species of hookworm. Ask us for details about the Plus Guarantee of Satisfaction, because the guarantee is only valid if the HEARTGARD is purchased through your veterinarian.
* Guarantee void where prohibited by law. Payment obligation of Merial limited solely to that specified in official Plus Guarantee terms and condition, any and all other costs expressly included.
HEARTGARD 12 doses
Small 05
Medium 25-50
Large 50-100
PLUS $12.00 rebate from Merial
*This does not include our $20 current client vaccination discount. Mailing is extra and this is for our clients only. Call if you want to become a client.
We charge a prescription fee IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE HOSPITAL FOR AN EXAM OR RECHECK. We charge this fee because it takes time to pull the record, get the doctor to review it and then fill out the script. Of course, this is not charged when we are reviewing lab or other test results. My MD (who charges $90 for a brief exam) charges me for this when I forget to ask for a refill.
Please note that we do offer home delivery from VetSource, our trusted online partner! Please click the link below to begin shopping!
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Our Hours
Mon, Tues, Fri: 8:00AM – 6:00 PM
Wed: 8:00AM – 2:00PM
Thur: 8:00AM – 7:00PM
Sat: 8:00AM – 12:00PM
We will be closed on some Saturdays. Please contact us to confirm our hours.