Speaking of pets

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Animal Care



I just finished Chief’s neuter. Chief belongs to a new client and is an older, cute boxer. I saw him on Tuesday for annual vaccinations and after his physical exam, I recommended that they neuter him. “We were wondering about that.” I replied, “It’s time.” Chief had...

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Bailey is Lucky

Bailey is Lucky

Bailey is going home today. I probably would have released him yesterday, but his owners wanted to make sure he was okay. Bailey is very lucky. Bailey adopted new parents about a month ago. His new dad brought him in to see if he was okay. Bailey didn’t...

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Happy Dogs

Happy Dogs

Guardian Animal’s anniversary falls on a Sunday this year, just like it did when we opened 29 years ago. There have been many things that have happened over the years, both good and not so good, but one of the things I still love the most is the happy...

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Animal Diseases

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Cats are not little dogs

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Creepy Crawly Parasites

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Wildlife and exotics



We sent two baby owls to Louisville. Three people gave up a portion of their weekend to make it happen. They knew how important it was. Owls and some other animals spend a short period of time imprinting. This is where they figure out that whoever they are with are...

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Stephanie started it! She found some in the wild and offered to share one. She brought the tiny praying mantis in a cute little bug cage. She even brought some fruit flies and their culture with them. I thought it was adorable, but I was busy and I delegated care to a...

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I first noticed the nest when a wren flew from the top of the ladder. Granted, Matt and M’Kinzy had told me the night before that there was a paper wasp nest by the garage. Neither had said a word about the wren nest. To me the garage is that two story thing at the...

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Vet Life and It’s not just a vet life

November Gratitude

November Gratitude

Oh, My! It is November second! I forgot. Yesterday, I knew it was the day after Halloween, All Saints Day, and a new month, but I forgot that it was the first day of November. November is my month of gratitude and honestly, I could have used a tad of gratitude...

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Pet article: pick a vet for your team

Pet article: pick a vet for your team

There is a Facebook meme that when the zombies take over, make sure to have a veterinarian on your team. The AVMA even wrote an article about it with five reasons to pick a vet to be on your team. First, we have a better chance of surviving. I have spent my entire...

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Pet article; Power out

Pet article; Power out

The power went off about 1:30 am Wednesday night/Thursday morning.. I heard a pop and immediately woke up to the world being too quiet. I leaned over and turned the switch on the light. The room remained dark. Since it was the middle of the night, I snuggled with new...

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Out and About

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New Years

New Years

I love New Years! Mind you, it is not New Year’s Eve that I enjoy. This introvert does not enjoy the gluttony, excess and lateness at my age. I do enjoy the start of a new year. New Years is a time to reflect on where we have been and where we and...

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As I write this, my family is out doing their Christmas shopping. I was in for some critical medical treatments and then finished up some accounting and whiteboard videos that I have sold and am now thinking about my Christmas shopping. I am very conscious...

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Jingle Bells

Jingle Bells

I was going to write about the dangers of people food, things in the trash and other holiday dangers, but I wrote a song instead. Jingle bells, jingle bells Puppy dogs, kitty cats, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to have a puppy today Puppy dogs,...

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