Buy Local

Buy Local

Local purchasing is a preference to buy locally produced goods and services over those produced farther away. It is very often abbreviated as a positive goal, “buy local,” which parallels the phrase “think globally, act locally,” common in...
ER Shift

ER Shift

I worked at the Animal ER yesterday. It makes for a long day when I pull a shift there. My morning started at Guardian Animal. There were cases to be checked, wildlife to be fed, and surgeries to be readied to go home. And appointments. Saturdays are hectic in...
Don’t Eat That

Don’t Eat That

Derby came in during the time of ice and no power for many, including my house. This 16-month-old doodle wasn’t feeling well. Derby was not eating well, but the first thing I noticed was that she was walking hunched over. This is often a sign of belly pain. COVID has...
Circle of Life

Circle of Life

COVID 19 has probably changed the rest of our lives. Everyone who is alive now will change in some way. While I am quick to point out the ways these changes have not been ideal (just ask my best friend), not everything that is COVID 19 related has been bad. I must...
How to Spend More at the Vet

How to Spend More at the Vet

I’m getting a late start to my article writing this Saturday afternoon because we had an emergency come in after we closed. While some of us finished up the end of the day procedures, four staff members and I stayed and worked with the emergency patient for almost two...
Pet Aggression

Pet Aggression

I know it hasn’t really been this way, but it seems like it has been the week of aggressive animals. Every day there has been a ‘special’ dog or cat. Generally, we do very well with animals that have problems at other places. We do a lot of things to not trigger...