Payment Options
APPOINTMENTHere at Guardian Animal Medical Center, we understand that veterinary care can be expensive. We strive to lessen the burden of paying for your pet’s medical care by providing various payment options.
We accept Cash, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, Scratchpay, and CareCredit. Please note: Payment is required at the time of service.
As much as we would like to, we do not loan money, but we do encourage you to speak with family, friends, or possibly even set up a GoFundMe to assist with payment.
Care first, pay later. When your pet needs you most, Scratchpay makes difficult financial decisions simple.
CareCredit knows pets are family too. That’s why we offer veterinary and pet financing to help keep your most cherished family members in top shape.
We’ll be there when you need us.

Our Location

Our Hours
Mon, Tues, Fri: 8:00AM – 6:00 PM
Wed: 8:00AM – 2:00PM
Thur: 8:00AM – 7:00PM
Sat: 8:00AM – 12:00PM
We will be closed on some Saturdays. Please contact us to confirm our hours.