Speaking of pets

Pets in Uganda

Pets in Uganda

We do not know what poverty is in the United States. We went to Africa to help animals, but what I saw when well beyond the animals. I got in late at night. Ellie and Moses picked me up at the airport with my two fifty pound bags of supplies. I didn't look...

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2018 AVMA Conference

2018 AVMA Conference

I woke up in Denver this week. Actually, I woke up Sunday morning at 6:18 a.m. to a series of texts from a client asking when I would be in the office that day. Even when I mentioned that it was six AM where I was, there were a couple more texts. Normally,...

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Animal Care

Buy Local

Buy Local

Local purchasing is a preference to buy locally produced goods and services over those produced farther away. It is very often abbreviated as a positive goal, "buy local," which parallels the phrase "think globally, act locally," common in green politics." It used to...

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ER Shift

ER Shift

I worked at the Animal ER yesterday. It makes for a long day when I pull a shift there. My morning started at Guardian Animal. There were cases to be checked, wildlife to be fed, and surgeries to be readied to go home. And appointments. Saturdays are hectic in...

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Don’t Eat That

Don’t Eat That

Derby came in during the time of ice and no power for many, including my house. This 16-month-old doodle wasn’t feeling well. Derby was not eating well, but the first thing I noticed was that she was walking hunched over. This is often a sign of belly pain. COVID has...

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Animal Diseases

Rabies And The One Health Initiative

Rabies And The One Health Initiative

The One Health Initiative is a movement to forge co-equal, all-inclusive collaborations between all healthcare providers. Veterinarians are used to taking treatments and medications from human medicine, but our important role as human health protectors is...

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Respiratory Syndrom in Dogs

Respiratory Syndrom in Dogs

On my way in Friday, my phone rang. Morning phone calls are never good. “Doctor, where are you?” “Seven minutes.” Steph doesn’t care where I am. She wants me there. I can tell. “What’s up?” “Roxie is here, and she is in respiratory distress. We have her on...

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What You Need To Know About Cushing’s Disease

What You Need To Know About Cushing’s Disease

They say things come in threes and such was the case last week. Hydi, Molly, and Dixie were all in for Cushing’s tests. Cushing’s is a disease where too much cortisol is produced by the adrenal gland. Cortisol is a natural steroid produced by the adrenal...

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Cats are not little dogs

How to Teach Your Cat to Use a Litter Box

How to Teach Your Cat to Use a Litter Box

Setting up your litter box One of the most common reasons that cats fail to use a litter box is because it is set up all wrong. Placement is one of the most important aspects of successful litter box usage, so it is crucial to get it right. Each household...

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Creepy Crawly Parasites

What You Need To Know About Parvo

What You Need To Know About Parvo

It started Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. with two black lab/Weimaraner puppies, Tucker and Tank. They were coming from the ER, where they had been diagnosed with parvovirus. Parvovirus is a very common, highly contagious viral disease that is very resistant...

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Gut Feelings

Gut Feelings

I had a feeling standing in the room. I was looking at a young terrier type dog. The owner was a young, very smart elementary school student. She disliked the poster on parvovirus in my room. I calmly explained that all owners didn’t understand like she...

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Wildlife and exotics

Blue-Footed Boobies

Blue-Footed Boobies

Someone asked me what my goal for visiting the Galapagos was. At first, I didn’t know how to answer. The Galapagos is a bucket list trip for everyone, isn’t it? I’d known about the islands for decades, but it had never seemed possible to go before. It was so far from...

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Happy, Healthy Iguanas

Happy, Healthy Iguanas

I can't picture what walking up on their legs looks like. Can you paint a word picture of that? Zee and I just returned from a long overdue trip. Zee had just graduated from Wooster with dual degrees in theater (behind the scenes) and history. I had not been out of...

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Dolphins 2 of 2

Dolphins 2 of 2

Sometimes, I miss my former life in the Coast Guard. Although I would not admit it at the time, I loved the time at sea. Although, as a trusted young officer, I often stood the midwatch in the middle of the night, I enjoyed being on deck during the day. How...

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Vet Life and It’s not just a vet life

2024 November Gratitude

2024 November Gratitude

Many years ago, I started the month of November being for thanks giving the entire month not just the day. Others might have picked it up from me it started the same time. Whatever, I don't need credit, I'm happy for the benefit. Nov 1st: I'm grateful for my team....

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Pet Article: Plastics in the Ocean

Pet Article: Plastics in the Ocean

Diving Deep: A Veterinarian’s Perspective on Ocean Conservation As a veterinarian and avid wildlife advocate, I’ve spent my career nurturing animals and educating others on the importance of conservation. Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to combine my...

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Out and About



I need to pack. I am behind schedule and starting to get a tad stressed. It would seem that my carry on bag went from Cincinnati to Michigan to Indiana to Ohio to West Virginia before arriving less than 48 hours ago. So, the nice leisurely planning and...

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Gratitude 2021

Gratitude 2021

It is November 1st! I almost forgot! It is time to start my annual tradition of daily affirmations of gratitude! I started many years ago to help counteract the negativity that was rampant on FaceBook and other social media. Now, it is just good practice. Today I am...

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Let the New Year Begin

Let the New Year Begin

 I gave myself a gift for the holidays and took a month off writing.  My best friend said I couldn’t write about all the stresses of COVID again for a while and I needed a break, but the text came in from my editor at 1:02am last night that he didn’t have a 1/5...

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New Year’s 2021

New Year’s 2021

New Years is a big holiday for me! Not New Year’s Eve, that seems too much gluttony, excess and lateness for my age, but the start of a new year. A time to reflect on where we have been and where we and especially I am going. The whole staff will get together next...

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